“If non-Muslims submit to conversion or subjugation, this call (da’wah) can be pursued peacefully. If they do not, Muslims are obliged to wage war against them. In Islam, peace requires that non-Muslims submit to the call of Islam, either by converting or by accepting the status of a religious minority (dhimmi) and paying the inmposed tax, jizya. World peace, the final stage of the da’wah is reached only with the conversion or submission of all mankind to Islam.” (Bassam Tibi)

Welcome to the Islamic Jihad Watch!

Islam is one of the fastest growing politico-religious movements in the world. Islamic doctrine is determined by the Qur’ an, the Hadith and Sunna. The Qur’ an purports to be the very words of God as given to his last prophet Mohammed. The Hadith is a collection of Mohammed’s sayings while the Sunna is a record of the Prophet’s life. All fundamental and valid Islamic interpretation takes into account each of these sources. The vast majority of these texts are consumed with the death of the kiffar or unbeliever.

Islam purports to be a peaceful religion which is presently being attacked by Islamophobics who are afraid of the Islamic way of life. In fact, Islam’s religious aspect masks its darker theological and political side. Islam is a political movement which is consumed with a hatred of the West and a love of violent death. Of course this view is politically incorrect but so is this website. The West cannot afford to make the same mistake that Chamberlin made with the Germans.  There is no peace in our time as long as Islamo-fascism remains a threat to the Western world.  The West is in a war for her survival for all Islam has but one goal and that is to dominate the world politically and religiously. To achieve this goal Islam uses two weapons. One weapon is the political while the other is the sword. They work hand-in-glove.

The purpose of this website is educate Americans and the West to the graphic and unwelcomed reality of Islamic fundamentalism and her threat to our way of life. The Islamic threat does not exist because of Western policies in the Middle East per se but exists because the dark Islamic trinity (Qur’ an, Hadith and Sunna) compels the Muslim to reach out to a world without Allah in only three ways. The unbeliever can either convert, pay the jizyah tax or die. Either way, Islam must conquer and will unless Americans wake up to the reality of this threat. Islam is not just a mere nuisance but a systemic threat to America, her Constitution, her way of life and Christianity itself.

May God bless us in our attempt to glorify his name.